Home Nursery Rhymes Jingle Bells Batman Smells Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes

Jingle Bells Batman Smells Lyrics | Nursery Rhymes

Jingle Bells Batman Smells

Most likely the lyrics of “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells” are the result of an improvisation, hummed and transmitted by word of mouth, after the first Batman cartoon appeared in 1939.

“Jingle Bells Batman Smells” Lyrics In English

Jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away

Jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away

Jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away

Jingle bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost a wheel
And Joker got away

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells” is a playful and humorous variation of the traditional Christmas song “Jingle Bells“. It is a popular poem that has been around for years and is often sung by children.
The lyrics incorporate elements from the Batman comic books, creating a whimsical and silly twist on the original song.

what kind of song Jingle Bells, Batman Smells?

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells is a nursery rhymes

When was Jingle Bells, Batman Smells Song released?

I See the Moon is a hindi song released in Year 1939

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