this is a children’s song that helps young children become familiar with the different body parts and encourages movement.”Head Shoulders Knees And Toes” Song Sung By Apoorva Sreejith, Anjoli Anna Appen, Atul Thomas Joy. The Lyrics of Head Shoulders Knees And Toes Song Are Written By Traditional.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Rhymes lyrics Details :-
Released on:- | Jan 01, 2006 |
Duration:- | 2:11 |
Language:- | English |
Genre:- | Nursery Rhymes |
“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” Lyrics In English
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
And eyes and, ears and,
mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” is a children’s song that helps young children become familiar with the different parts of the body.
- Released on:- Jan 01, 2006
- Duration:-2:11
- Language:- English
- Genre:- Nursery Rhymes
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is a hindi song released in Year 2006
The duration of the song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is 3:40 minutes.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is a nursery poem
दोस्त! अगर आपको “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes“ वाला यह आर्टिकल पसंद है तो कृपया इसे अपने दोस्तों को सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करना न भूलें। आपका एक शेयर हमें आपके लिए नए गाने के बोल लाने के लिए प्रेरित करता है
हमे उम्मीद हे की आपको “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes लिरिक्स “ वाला यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया होगा | अगर कुछ क्षति दिखे तो हमारे लिए छोड़ दे और हमे कमेंट करके जरूर बताइए ताकि हम आवश्यक बदलाव कर सके |
अगर आप अपने किसी पसंदीदा गाने के बोल चाहते हैं तो नीचे कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखकर हमें बेझिझक बताएं हम आपकी ख्वाइस पूरी करने की कोशिष करेंगे धन्यवाद!🙏
जय श्रीराम 🙏 जय बजरंगबली हनुमान